Monday, 17 August 2009

Ice Cream Festival

On Saturday it was unsurprisingly another scorcher. We headed up to Chinatown first to check out the Asian supermarket and pick up some supplies. Rich reckons this might be the equivalent of Japanese Buckie - I'll let you make up your own minds!!

Then we headed to an ice cream festival in the centre of town - the winner in the homemade ice cream competition was Maple and Bacon. Mmmm! Unfortunately, we didn't arrive in time to taste it, and had to sample some more ordinary flavours, like double chocolate.

Rich bought a new hat:

which was needed to keep off the heat, although I think this dog had a better idea of how to cool off.

There was a petting zoo, which included a kangaroo! Helen, I went to see it for you, but to be honest I was a bit concerned by the cramped surroundings. But they did have miniature ponies, although I couldn't take any more photos as they were crowded by young children and I thought that might look a bit odd!

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