Monday, 8 June 2009

A Good Weekend

On Friday night we went out with our new pals, Boyd and Lorraine, for some drinks in South Congress, which is kind of like the West End of Glasgow. Boyd is employed by National Semiconductors in Greenock, and has been assigned over here by them for a limited time (but he doesn't know how long). They arrived about a month before us, and have been showing us the ropes. Their friend Lorne (Texan) came too, and we started talking to a woman called Baker in the first bar, who was amusingly weird, and tagged along too. We ended up in the Continental Club for some country music and some dancing. As you can see a few light ales were consumed.
The next day we headed out on to Town Lake and rented a 2 man kayak for a leisurely roam about. It was nice and cool being so close to the water, and a great way to see some of the downtown area. We then summitted the highest mountain in Austin, Mount Bonnell, I am told it is nearly 800 feet!! Here are some pictures of the views from the top, this one of the river heading back towards the city, and the next of the view of the downtown area. A much more sedate day, which was in order after the night before!

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